

Charder Research Map啟德的產品在50+國家的研究應用,以下彙整了代表性的應用例子:


Vitamin D and Exercise Performance in Professional Soccer Players

Vitamin D and Exercise Performance in Professional Soccer Players
此計畫於希臘執行,發表在PLOS ONE期刊,研究職業足球員的維他命D和肌肉效能、有氧狀態、速度相關性。次要目的為評估休季對維他命D數值的影響


Koundourakis NE, Androulakis NE, Malliaraki N, Margioris AN (2014) Vitamin D and Exercise Performance in Professional Soccer Players. PLoS ONE 9(7):e101659.

Associations between School Food Environments,

 Body Mass Index and Dietary Intakes

Associations between School Food Environments, Body Mass Index and Dietary Intakes
此計畫於澳洲執行,發表於International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health期刊,研究改善學校環境對兒童飲食品質的影響。目的希望辨識學校提供的餐點特性是否和小學生的營養、身體質量指數BMI相關度。


Alston L, Crooks N, Strugnell C, Orellana L, Allender S, Rennie C, Nichols M (2019) Associations between School Food Environments, Body Mass Index and Dietary Intakes among Regional School Students in Victoria, Australia: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019; 16(16):2916.


Accuracy of the Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire for Malnutrition and Sarcopenia Screening

Accuracy of the Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire
此計畫於日本執行,發表於Nutrients期刊 ,研究簡化營養問券 (SNAQ) 以及老年人SNAQ的適用性,協助辨識老年人的營養缺乏、肌少症的判定與否。


Shimizu A, Fujishima I, Maeda K, Murotani K, Inoue T, Ohno T, Nomoto A, Ueshima J, Ishida Y, Nagano A, Kayashita J, Mori N. Accuracy of the Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire for Malnutrition and Sarcopenia Screening among Older Patients Requiring Rehabilitation. Nutrients. 2021; 13(8):2738.

Effects of resistance training intensity on muscle


Effects of resistance training intensity on muscle  quantity/quality
此計畫於日本執行,發表於Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia, and Muscle期刊,研究低/中強度的阻力訓練對中年人和老年人的肌肉量和肌肉品質的改善程度


Otsuka Y, Yamada Y, Maeda A, Izumo T, Rogi T, Shibata H, Fukuda M, Arimitsu T, Miyamoto N, Hashimoto T. Effects of resistance training intensity on muscle quantity/quality in middle-aged and older people: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle. 2022; 13(2).


Developmental origins of health and disease

Developmental origins of health and disease
此計畫於巴西執行,發表於Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity期刊,研究身體比例是否比身高更能夠推測幼兒營養(UELife)不足,並驗證新的UELife量測工具


Ferreira HDS, Junior AFSX, Assunção ML, Uchôa TCC, Lira-Neto AB, Nakano RP. Developmental origins of health and disease: a new approach for the identification of adults who suffered undernutrition in early life. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2018;11:543-551. Published 2018 Sep 26. doi:10.2147/DMSO.S177486

Tennis for Physical Health

Tennis for Physical Health
此計畫於澳洲執行,發表於Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research期刊,研究有氧網球是否能促進族夠的心臟、代謝負荷,幫助健康和運動效能。


Murphy AP, Duffield R, Reid M. Tennis for Physical Health, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: November 2014 - Volume 28 - Issue 11 - p 3172-3178 doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000511
